CEOI 2024 Business Case Writing Workshop

The CEOI management team is pleased to announce its online workshop Earth Observation funding opportunities: business case and bid-writing, which will take place in the morning of Tuesday 1st October 2024. 

The workshop is designed for bid writers and ‘doers’ who may not be familiar with the expectations of bid reviewers in terms of business case. The workshop is open to all UK-based EO-related organisations, including those that have not previously applied for funding.

Please register your participation at, with your name and affiliation. Attendance may be limited (first come, first served).


0930-1000 EO Funding Opportunities: Introduction from CEOI/UKSA on what types of opportunity there are to bid for funding for EO

1000-1030 Writing an Effective Business Case: Best Practice Principles: Will Lecky( will provide key principles of writing an effective bid or business case.

1030-1130 Panel Session: What Appraisers are Looking for: Discussion with representatives of public and private organisations that appraise business cases for funding, with Q&A:

  • Craig Donlon, ESA (Head, Earth Observation System Architect Office)
  • Rob Desborough, Seraphim Space (General Partner)
  • Lauren Taylor, UKSA (National Space Innovation Programme Major Projects Lead)
  • Cally Walker, UKSA (Senior Project Manager, International Bilateral Fund)
  • Nicolas Leveque, CEOI (Director)

1130-1200 Summary and Next Steps: Summary of do’s and don’ts for writing winning bids; further events.

Afternoon ‘Drop-In’ Session

Workshop participants can schedule a slot (20 minutes) to talk one-to-one with different experts (subject to availability). This provides individuals/companies with an opportunity to discuss ideas they do not want to raise in an open forum, on a confidential basis. Slots are available with either an economist with business case expertise (from, or the CEOI. If the afternoon of 1st October does not work, slots on other days may be possible.

To help us make the session effective, please provide background information using this form

Link to Official Announcement