Demonstration of CO2 Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR)
Pathfinder – 7th Call (Completed 2016)
Lead Organisation: STFC RAL Space
This project focuses on the demonstration and assessment of thermal infrared laser heterodyne spectro-radiometry for the remote sensing of carbon dioxide. Theoretical concept studies based on modelling have indicated Laser Heterodyne Radiometers (LHRs) can contribute to improving remote sensing of carbon dioxide in the thermal infrared, on-board a variety of platform from ground-based to space-based. During the project, ground-based measurements were carried out and compared against theoretical modelling in order to fully assess the instrument technology and devise forward steps toward low cost, miniature autonomous carbon dioxide remote sensors.
Fully Integrated Hollow Waveguide Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR)
Lead Organisation: STFC RAL Space partnering Hollowguide Ltd
Continuing the work undertaken in an earlier project in high resolution spectroscopy, this project addresses the design, manufacture and demonstration of a fully integrated, miniaturised Quantum Cascade Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Earth observation. It represents the combination of highly successful work on laser heterodyne radiometry with novel hollow waveguide optical integration techniques.

Development of a Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR)
Fast Track
Lead Organisation: STFC RAL Space
The Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR) is a passive instrument developed by the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory which combines high spectral resolution (for vertical resolution), high spatial resolution (to see between clouds), high sensitivity and compact size (c.f. FTIR), attributes which make it especially suitable for monitoring tropospheric trace gases of relevance to air quality (e.g. O3, CO, HNO3, NO or NO2) or composition-climate interactions (e.g. H2O, O3, CH4 or CO2) from high-altitude platforms (HAPs) or satellite (polar orbiting or geo-stationary).