Quantum technologies to be developed for an innovative Earth observation space mission with Teledyne e2v. Click here for details

Quantum technologies to be developed for an innovative Earth observation space mission with Teledyne e2v. Click here for details
If you would like to propose a new space-based Earth observation mission concept which would align well with the UK national space strategy, complete and return the EOMCR questionnaire form available here
The CEOI invites proposals to develop innovative and scientifically excellent EO mission concepts, directed at strengthening the UK response to the ESA Earth Explorer 11 (EE11) Call for Mission Ideas. For full details on the CEOI call, click here
The joint NCEO/CEOI Conference on EO Science, Missions and Technology took place as an e-conference using Adobe Connect on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th June. Please click here to view presentations