CEOI Technology Strategy Workshop 2013

This round-table workshop was held in central London on Wednesday 10th July 2013 at Regents College. Its input was the technology roadmaps and the indicative missions discussed at a recent CEOI Future Missions Challenge Workshop. The workshop considered how CEOI projects can move to exploitation, and the options and priorities for investment of the £2-3m funding likely to be available to the CEOI programme over the next 2-3 years.


09.30 Registration

10.00 Introduction and Purpose (Mick Johnson, CEOI Director)

10.15 Presentation of UKSA EO Strategy (UK Space Agency)

10.30 CEOI Indicative Missions – Workshop Session (Paul Monks, CEOI/University of Leicester)

  • Are there any missions with strong UK interest missing from the list?
  • Assess pros/cons of different mission types?
  • What criteria could be used to match missions to opportunities?

11.30 Tea/coffee break

11.45 Update on NSTSG Technology roadmapping (Mick Johnson, CEOI)

12.00 CEOI Technology Roadmaps – Workshop Session (Chris Brownsword, CEOI)

  • Mapping of technologies to indicative missions
  • Identification of Capabilities
  • Review of Roadmaps

13.00 Lunch

14.00 CEOI Technology Strategy – Workshop Session (Mick Johnson, CEOI)

  • Have we been making sufficient progress in last ~5 years?
  • Does the UK need to focus its efforts? How do we decide which technologies to support?
  • How can we improve probability of technologies being exploited?

15.30 Tea/coffee break

16.00 Final Plenary Session (Rob Scott, CEOI/RAL Space)

16.30 Finish