Next Generation Infrared Calibration Sources (NGenIRS)
Flagship – 11th Call (In progress)
Lead Organisation: STFC RAL Space partnered by NPL and Surrey NanoSystems
The consortium has already developed a number of component technologies through previous CEOI and NSTP studies specifically to address the quality of black body thermometry, temperature traceability and the radiometric performance of the black body cavity advancing the TRL to 2/3. The project will bring these technologies together to build and characterise a fully functional prototype flight black body demonstrator in a format compatible with a flight opportunity.

Calibration and pointing capabilities of a CubeSat based radiometer
Pathfinder – 10th Call (Completed 2019)
Lead Organisation: University of Oxford
This study aimed to bring the design of the Compact Infrared Imager and Radiometer (CIIR) to a level of maturity from which it can be implemented as a flight CubeSat payload with high confidence that ambitious scientific goals in remote sensing of the terrestrial atmosphere and surface can be achieved. It addressed concerns raised during an earlier study regarding radiometric calibration accuracy and pointing stability.
MISRlite – Multi-angle IR Stereo radiometer using uncooled microbolometer arrays for global wind
Fast Track – 7th Call (completed 2017)
Lead Organisation: MSSL partnered with Thales
MISRlite will address the proposed geometric gCMV concept selected by ESA to meet the needs of a tandem mission with the EPS 2nd Generation MetOp operational satellite due for launch in the early 2020s. This Fast-Track proposal designs, develops and demonstrates a prototype on a gimbal mount and demonstrate this on a series of flights in Australia where a coincident lidar altimeter will record the cloud-top heights.

The Compact Infrared Imager and Radiometer: A CubeSat based Remote Sensing Platform for Earth System Science
Flagship – 8th Call (completed 2015)
Lead Organisation: University of Oxford partnered by RALSpace, Clyde Space Ltd & Satellite Applications Catapult
This project developed a new modular, compact imaging radiometer, the CIIR, Integrate it into a 6U CubeSat with supporting sub-systems and test and calibrate the instrument and integrated spacecraft to a flight readiness level.
The spacecraft has been designed for both nadir viewing and scanning of the Earth’s limb, preferably from a Sun synchronous orbit. The filter bandpasses in the CIIR will be targeted to support investigations of the properties of clouds and aerosols and also monitor concentrations of stratospheric water vapour.