Day 2
We’d all like to thank Rob Scott for organising such an interesting event

Day 1

The Two Days Schedule
Please click on session to view presentation
Day 1: 19th March 2024 | |||
Session 1: Welcome & introductions | |||
9:30 | Introduction | Nicolas Leveque | CEOI |
9:40 | UKSA Welcome & News | Beth Greenaway | UKSA |
Session 2: Detector Technology | |||
9:50 | Latest Detector Developments in IR Part 1 Part 2 | Anton Lindley-DeCaire | Leonardo |
10:10 | Latest Detector Developments in UV/VIS & IR | Andrew Pike | Teledyne e2V |
Session 3: LIDAR and Advanced Optics | |||
10:30 | GLAMIS: Towards Satellite LIDAR with Continuous Repeat Coverage. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 | Steve Hancock | University of Edinburgh |
10:50 | Break | ||
11:10 | Advances in Lasers for Space-Based Sensing | Jack Thomas & Emma Le Francois | Fraunhofer CAP |
11:30 | Very Low Noise AlGaAsSb Avalanche Photodiodes for IR LIDAR Applications Part 1 Part 2 | Chee Tan | Univ Sheffield |
11:50 | Sub 50 fW/√Hz noise equivalent power InAs Avalanche Photodiodes for 1550 and 2004 nm sensing | Jonathan Petticrew et. al. | Univ Sheffield |
12:10 | Advanced Optics Capabilities | Cyril Bourgenot | CfAI, Univ.of Durham |
12:30 | Additive Manufacturing for Deployable Mirrors | R Tuck, G Lister, D Isherwood | STFC ATC |
12:50 | Lunch Break | ||
Session 4: Challenges & CEOI Future | |||
13:50 | Challenge: EO needs for Climate Tipping Point Monitoring | Andrew Shepherd | CPOM/Northumberland |
14:10 | TRL: Expectations from Space Agencies | Will Grainger | RAL Space |
14:30 | Discussion: CEOI: The Next Generation. Needs, Opportunities, Challenges, Diversity | Beth Greenaway | UKSA |
15:00 | Break | ||
Session 5: How Do I Fund My Mission? | |||
15:20 | Funding Options for Missions using CEOI Instruments: Introduction | Rob Scott | ScottSpace/CEOI |
15:30 | National & Bilateral Opportunities | Charlotte Massey | UKSA/DSIT |
15:40 | ESA Options Outside Explorer | Steven George | ESA |
15:50 | ESA InCubed Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 | Pejman Nejadi | ESA |
16:00 | Introduction to ARIA: Scoping our Planet | Gemma Bale | ARIA |
16:10 | SSTL – from Tech to Missions: Getting Your Ideas into Space | Andrew Haslehurst | SSTL |
16:20 | In-Space Missions: Funding Case Studies | Matthew Angling | In-Space Missions |
16:30 | Business Plan Essentials | Will Lecky | Know.Space/CEOI |
16:40 | MOD funding opportunities for the Earth Observation community | Debra Carr | DASA Scotland |
16:50 | Novel Access to Space Part 1 Part 2 | Vinay Dheri | D-Orbit |
17:00 | Discussion of funding Opportunities | All | All |
17:30 | Closing Remarks & Retirement of Chris & Rob | ||
18:30 | Pre-Dinner Talk: From Mission Aspiration to Mission Pegasus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 | Croydon High School Astrogazers Club | |
19:30 | Conference Dinner | Cosener’s House |
Day 2: 20th March 2024 | |||
Session 6: International & Government | |||
9:30 | ESA Perspectives on EO Technology Part 1 Part 2 | Steven George | ESA |
Session 7: Quantum techniques | |||
10:00 | Science Case for LEO Quantum Missions: OP(C)M & Q-ACE | David Summers | TAS |
10:20 | Satellite Quantum Accelerometers for Atmospheric Science | Tristan Valenzuela | RAL Space |
10:40 | High-accuracy Magnetometry using Quantum Sensors Part 1 Part 2 | Mark Bason | RAL Space |
11:00 | Break | ||
Session 8: New Imaging Techniques | |||
11:20 | Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors | Kieran O’Brien | Durham University |
11:40 | SuperSharp Deployable Optics | Ian Parry | Supersharp Ltd |
12:00 | ADOT: A Small Deployable Telescope for EO & Astronomy | Noah Schwartz | STFC ATC |
12:20 | High Resolution, Wide Swath EO Payload for Micro-Satellites | Liam Sills (Virtual) | GIS |
12:40 | Nuscis: XCAM’s Next Generation Imaging System for CubeSats and Small Satellites | James Endicott | XCAM |
13:00 | Lunch | ||
Session 9: New Payloads & Missions | |||
14:00 | BARODAR: Mission & Radar Instrument Design for Global Surface Air-Pressure Observation Part 1 Part 2 | Emal Rumi | RAL Space |
14:20 | G-Band Cloud Radar: Recent Results & the Route to Space | Hui Wang | RAL Space |
14:40 | Narrow Bandpass Multispectral Imagers for Atmospheric Chemistry: Methane & Other Species | Jerome Woodwark | University of Edinburgh |
15:00 | Break | ||
Final session 10: TBD | |||
15:20 | HIROS and Multiplexed LHR | Damien Weidmann | RAL Space |
15:40 | Integrated Terahertz-Frequency Quantum-Cascade Lasers for Atmospheric Radiometry | Alex Valavanis | University of Leeds |
16:00 | Large Deployable Reflector Antennas Part 1 Part 2 | Chris Bee | Oxford Space Systems |
16:20 | Airbus Compact Class Satellite SAR Developments | Geoff Burbidge | Airbus |
16:40 | Using PocketQubes to Image Earth from Space at Night | Tom Walkinshaw & Caius Reza | AlbaOrbital |
17:00 | Close of Meeting |
Click here to view the new event flyer
The CEOI will hold a 2-day Emerging Technology for Earth Observation Technologies Conference at Cosener’s House in Abingdon on 19th and 20th March 2024. The goal of this meeting is to reveal and discuss new and emerging developments in EO instrumentation and mission concepts, and to examine how these developments will benefit the UK in terms of science, societal and commercial benefit. The meeting occurs at a time when the UK has made a significant uplift in EO funding, and there will be an opportunity to explore how to capitalize on this investment.
The conference is open to all interested parties. We are planning sessions on:
- New detectors and detector concepts
- New on-board calibration techniques
- EO payloads for small spacecraft – miniature high-performance instrumentation.
- Instrument technology and mission architecture considerations for commercial missions
- Recent advances in additive layer and other advanced manufacturing techniques for EO instrumentation
- Advanced on-board image processing concepts for imaging missions, such as super-resolution and AI/deep learning
- Latest developments in LIDAR for EO
- New techniques and future concepts – more left-field/exotic techniques from around the laboratories.
- Quantum techniques for EO such as gravity sensing
- New mission opportunities
There will be a discussion session with UKSA and CEOI regarding how emerging EO Technology will feed into UK EO Strategy.
We have some spare speaker slots, and posters are welcome. We invite presentations from:
- groups engaged in current and recent CEOI technology projects. Note that emphasis will be on novel technologies, techniques, future impacts and benefits rather than project progress reporting.
- groups involved in relevant technology development outside of CEOI (including in NSTP, ETP, NSIP, Innovate UK, ESA etc. and industry and academia);
- researchers and industry developing next generation instrumentation;
- Institutes and agencies with EO space technology requirements;
Talks will be 15-20 minutes. The agenda will be adjusted according to the response. Please send Rob Scott ( your title and author names and affiliation (papers and posters) for consideration, along with your preferred day for presentation.
In addition to oral sessions, there will be display boards for posters.
Spaces are limited, so early registration (free) is advisable. The conference dinner on the evening of the 19th March will be charged at cost, and we will have a limited number of places for overnight stay (bed and breakfast), so first come first served, charged at cost. Additionally, it may be possible to stay overnight on March 18th. We must release reserved accommodation by mid February, so the deadline to book accommodation at Cosener’s is therefore 14th February.
Note that there is very limited parking available at Cosener’s House. There is a public car park nearby.
Please contact Niki Legge at RAL Space to register and book accommodation and dinner, detailing any special access and dietary requirements. For general enquiries about the programme, please contact Rob Scott.
- Niki Legge:, Tel 01235 445621
- Rob Scott:, Mob 07789 756938
- Conference registration - free (including morning and afternoon refreshments and a buffet lunch).
- Conference dinner on the 19th: ~£30 per head – precise costs nearer the time
- Bed and breakfast:
- Single en-suite rooms & 2 shared facility rooms at £60.00
- Double en-suite rooms @ £85.00